ReFUND CO Program

Through the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit program, taxpayers can choose to directly support an eligible Colorado-registered charity with a simple designation on their state income tax return. The Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit program is being promoted through an educational campaign called ReFUND CO.

ReFUND CO Program logo for special kids and special families.

Imagine if state taxpayers chose to donate just a portion of their refunds; this outpouring of support would boost local community causes across Colorado and make a massive positive impact on our state.

To participate, taxpayers should look for the “Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit” line of their tax return or tax software and enter the name and registration number of SPECIAL KIDS SPECIAL FAMILIES #20073010355. Other nonprofit registration numbers are searchable by using the database above.

For more information: The Colorado Department of Revenue provides general tax information at 303-238-7378.

Whatever cause is important to you, this new state program is an opportunity to directly support a local nonprofit that is doing important work in your community and that you know and trust.

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