Colorado Springs director wins Addy award for local nonprofit video production

By Published On: March 4, 2019

March 5, 2019: Local video producer & director, Ralph Giordano, walked away with a silver ADDY award in the PSA category for his promotional video of Special Kids Special Families (SKSF) Zach’s Place program during the AAF annual Advertising Award Gala on Saturday, March 2nd at the Ent Center for the Arts. Every year, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) hosts one of the industry’s largest creative competitions attracting nearly 40,000 professional and student entries each year through local AAF Club competitions.  All across the country, thousands of entries vie to be recognized as the very best in their markets as local “Master Craftsmen”.

Ralph Giordano, owner of ArchAngel Productions and co-founder of Pikes Peak Film Council, has been a long time supporter of Special Kids Special Families and has donated his services throughout the years.  “We at ArchAngel Productions are so thrilled to receive this distinguished award from the AAF. Thanks to Nathaniel Shields of Shields Productions who shot and edited the video and who did an excellent job! I am so thrilled that this production will be recognized,” said Ralph Giordano, Producer/Director of the video.

The video made its debut at SKSF’s annual Night of Comedy in October 2018. During this signature fundraising event for the Zach’s Place center, guests were touched by Miranda Baca’s family story of the joys and struggles of raising a child with a severe disability and how Zach’s Place program made a difference in their lives.  “We are extremely proud of Ralph’s video and the contributions made to our organization. We were happy to witness him receiving this award.  His final video production really captured the heart of our families raising a child with a disability that attend Zach’s Place,” said SKSF Executive Director, Linda Ellegard.

Special Kids Special Families is a Colorado Springs nonprofit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1998 that provides respite and specialized care for children and adults with disabilities and special needs.  Programs include Zach’s Place center providing 24/7 care for children ages 2.5-21; Adult Day Programs providing center and community based activities; Residential Services supporting adults in caring home environments; and Foster Family Care & Adoption providing temporary or permanent home placement for youth.

Visit for more information about services for individuals with disabilities and for additional information about Ralph Giordano’s services.

by Patty Brookes, SKSF Marketing/Media Relations